RBCM@Home Goes to the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory

Event Date

The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory in Saanich, British Columbia, first caught starlight through the Plaskett telescope on May 6, 1918. It marked a significant moment in Canada’s history, as the 1.8-metre telescope was the world’s largest at that time. Learn more about the history of the Observatory and it's founder, John Stanley Plaskett. 

RBCM@outside Earth Day with Wildflowers

Event Date

NEW DAY AND TIME! Celebrate Earth Day with us as we walk in a garry oak meadow with CRD park naturalist Emma Jane at beautiful Mill Hill Regional Park on Vancouver Island. What spring beauties are poking their heads up? What kinds habitats do they like? What should you watch out for when you’re out on the trails this time of year? Botany curator Dr. Ken Marr will join us to share some of the landscape history of the area too! 

RBCM@Home (Kids) Dino Dice

Event Date

Dino Dice with Palaeontology Collection Manager Derek Larson

How do palaeontologists create names for new species of dinosaurs? We’ll learn about the meanings behind different dinosaur names while creating some of our own using special ‘dino dice’!

Supplies needed:

RBCM@Home Goes to White Rock Museum and Archives

Event Date


Join Hugh Ellenwood, Archives Manager at the White Rock Museum and Archives and learn more about the history of White Rock's iconic pier.

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After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

RBCM@Outside Dark Heritage

Event Date

NEW DAY AND TIME!  Join host Liz Crocker and University of Victoria adjunct associate professor Alastair Kerr for a virtual exploration of Victoria’s dark history through the built heritage that remains. No place, object or practice is inherently valuable. Values are systems of belief created by humans and assigned to places. We must ask for whom is it valuable? When places are valued differently there is bound to disagreement and conflict.

RBCM@Home (Kids) Museum Field Trip- April Fools

Event Date

Museum Field Trip- April Fools

Every first Wednesday of the month we'll go on a field trip of sorts to a new part of the Royal BC Museum.

We'll show you back hallways and secret doors, as well as familiar animals and old town dioramas. Each month a new area to explore.

For this session, because we are still in the April Fools' Day spirit, we'll visit the various galleries of the Royal BC Museum and see what odd and foolish additions have been placed there.

Fools’ Find

Event Date

Get into the April Fools' spirit by taking part in our scavenger hunt. Pick up a handout, featuring important clues, at the box office and see if you can spot the subtle tricks our Exhibits staff have played in the museum galleries.

Make sure to share your experience on social media. #FoolFind!”

RBCM@Home (Kids) Excuse Me, I Have a Question

Event Date

Excuse Me, I Have a Question with Bronwen Hudson

The Royal BC Museum is a space for curiosity. Visitors of all ages come to the galleries, both in person and online, and they ask lots and lots of questions. And we love that.

For this session of RBCM @ Home (Kids), we will be joined by Bronwen Hudson, from our communications team. Bronwen gets questions all of the time, and tries to find creative ways to answer them. She also finds creative ways to encourage visitors to ask questions. 

RBCM@Home Goes to the Golden Museum

Event Date

Take a virtual trip to southesastern British Columbia and the town of Golden. The Golden Museum manager, Brittany Newman will be our guide as she shares some of the history of the district.  

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

RBCM@Outside Springtime at the Beach

Event Date
Join learning program developer Liz Crocker, curator of invertebrates Dr. Henry Choong, and curator of entomology Dr. Joel Gibson for an exploration of a living shoreline. What insects and marine invertebrates will we find on a shoreline in spring? We’ll take a close look at how living shorelines connect the land and ocean, and provide valuable habitat for insects and marine invertebrates (animals without backbones). 
Register in advance for this webinar:

RBCM@Home (Kids) Botanical Art

Event Date

Botanical Art with Coral and Eden Forbes

Spring flowers are starting to bloom and are the perfect focus for an art project. Coral and Eden Forbes will press flowers and leaves using supplies from around your home and then create nature-themed art with you!

Please remember that flowers become seeds which are the next generation of plants and food for many animals so please gently remove only one or two per plant. Also, flowers must not be picked in parks, so stick to gardens after asking permission first! 

Supplies needed:

RBCM@Home (Kids) Paper Airplanes

Event Date

Paper Airplanes with Colin Stepney

Up, up and away with aviation. Join Royal BC Museum volunteer Colin Stepney as we explore the history of airplanes and aviation on Canada’s West Coast. We will be exploring how getting around in the air in our province has changed over the last century and where our future lies in the skies.

Then, after learning how lift (think wings!) and air resistance (think parachutes!) works in some hands-on activities, we will learn to built a few different types of paper airplanes for some at-home flying!

RBCM@Home BC Parks iNaturalist Project

Event Date

Discover more about our current Pocket Gallery installation Collaborating for Conservation with community ecologist and conservation biologist Dr. Brian Starzomski from the University of Victoria who will share how your observations of nature can help us all to better understand BC's most beautiful landscapes.

Register in advance for this webinar:

RBCM@Outside Sting!

Event Date

Stinging nettle is a common plant along BC's coast, Haida Gwaii and Vancouver Island. You might know how to avoid it, but do you know how to eat it? Join learning program developer Liz Crocker and botany collections manager Heidi Guest for a virtual, outdoor exploration. Heidi will reveal some wild and wonderful things about stinging nettle, like how to identify, prepare and cook this amazingly versatile plant.