February events to support January’s resolutions

Posted on January 28, 2019

We know: all that self-improvement you committed to on January 1st seemed like a good idea at the time. Not to worry. We think February’s a good month to lose yourself in distractions—especially when they support your New Year’s resolutions!  Whatever your goals, we’ve got you covered:

I’m going to spend more time with my family:  Don’t miss the ever-popular Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibit returns Feb. 15 for a limited run until March 24. Experience the wonders of nature through the lenses of award-winning photographers from around the world. Now in its 54th year, the competition showcases a global selection of outstanding nature photography in stunning backlit displays. Beloved by all ages, this exhibit will also serve as the jumping-off point for the exciting Bizarre Beasts Spring Break camps in March.  Included with admission or membership.

I’m going to dance like nobody’s watching: Grab your BFF (or, come prepared to make a new one!) and get your dancing shoes polished up for Night Shift: Swing Fling on Feb. 16 from 8 pm to midnight. Join the hottest party in town for a night of swing dance (lessons included!) and live music. Get your tickets online: $40 per person; 19+ only; two pieces of ID required at the door.

I’m going to get outside more: Join invertebrates collection manager Heidi Gartner and entomology curator Dr. Joel Gibson for Sex in the Sand, a Fieldtripper excursion to Island View Beach Regional Park on Feb. 24 from 1 to 2:30 pm. Explore the rare dune environment and intertidal zone to learn about the fascinating world of invertebrate reproduction. Dress for the conditions, and meet at the grassy area adjacent to the picnic shelter near the parking lot off Homathko Road. Suitable for ages 14+; by donation. (For the littler ones, there’s family-friendly Wonder Sunday back at the museum with a focus on Geology and Geography. Feb. 24, 1-3 pm. Free with admission.)

I’m going to step away from my desk at lunchtime: Feed your brain as well as your belly and enjoy an  IMAX film featuring selections from the Victoria Film Festival over your lunch hour.  Or take in the next Live at Lunch at noon on Feb. 6. Archaeology curator Grant Keddie explores Ancient Migrations and Modern Genetics to reveal how our emerging knowledge of genetics and the human microbiome allows new ways of interpreting the essence of who we are and how we have spread across the planet. By donation in the Newcombe Conference Hall.

I’m going to step out of my comfort zone: Next up in the provocative It’s Complicated series is Museums and Classrooms are not Neutral, on Feb. 15 from 7-9 pm. This participatory discussion asks: what happens when we call into question the presumed neutrality of venerable civic institutions such as museums and schools? What shifts when we embrace the messiness of history and actively work to challenge an assumed consensus in order to amplify multiple voices and marginalized histories? Admission by donation; all welcome.  (And speaking of disrupting the status quo: check out the Learning Everywhere exhibit in the Pocket Gallery on the main level celebrating the evolution of teaching and learning practices at the museum and archives. This Pocket Gallery exhibition is open until March 21; free.)

For more of the latest event information, visit our online calendar.