Learn more about government’s intention to modernize the museum to protect our historic holdings and provide better access to our collections.
The Museum Act (2003) sets out the purposes, powers and governance of the Royal BC Museum, establishing it as a Crown corporation. Under the Act, the Corporation is responsible for the provincial museum, the provincial archives, Helmcken House, Thunderbird Park, Mungo Martin Big House (Wawadit’la), St Ann’s Schoolhouse and the Netherlands Centennial Carillon. Under Section 4 of the Museum Act, the purposes of the Corporation are:
(a) to secure, receive and preserve specimens, artifacts and archival and other materials that illustrate the natural or human history of British Columbia;
(b) to hold and manage the archives of the government;
(c) to increase and communicate knowledge of the natural and human history of British Columbia by research, exhibits, publications and other means;
(d) to serve as an educational organization;
(e) to develop exhibits that are of interest to the public;
(f) to manage, conserve and provide access to the collection;
(g) on the request of the government, to manage cultural and heritage facilities designated by the government;
(h) to perform functions usually performed by a museum and archives.
Although its main buildings are in Victoria, the Royal BC Museum reaches every region of the province through its website, exhibitions and services, and is responsible to all British Columbians.
We are a museum that is accessible to every British Columbian regardless of age, ethnicity or geography.
We envision a province in which all people respect each other and the environment in which they live.
The Royal BC Museum is committed to the following values:
The Royal BC Museum’s strategic priorities are supported by four organizational streams, each responsible for a number of business areas.
The Royal BC Museum is an internationally renowned centre of learning and education about British Columbia, its peoples, its systems and its environment. We are an important economic contributor to the province, drawing visitors from around the world and supporting an array of tourism-related jobs and businesses. By advancing and communicating knowledge about BC, we help shape our province’s reputation locally and globally.
The Museum contributes to many different areas in the provincial government: providing curriculum-based interactive education materials online, strengthening relations with BC’s First Nations and by providing information and advice to ministries that make up BC’s natural resource sector. We act as a depository for fossils and archaeological permits and work with BC Hydro on environmental reviews. In partnership with the BC Vital Statistics Agency, we provide an online platform for data on BC births, deaths and marriages.
For nearly 130 years, the Royal BC Museum has preserved, interpreted and celebrated BC’s heritage. Our natural history and social history artifacts and records—from mammoths to masks to moving images—enable us to tell the widest possible range of stories: of land and people, of place and movement.
Museum experts bring together, care for and interpret the Province’s collections. They share their knowledge, providing context and uncovering new layers of understanding. Much of what we now know about BC, we owe to research on our carefully preserved heritage resources, and much scientific study going forward depends on data held in research collections like ours.
The Museum shares stories through exhibitions, displays, education programs, public talks, events, websites, publications and social media. In this way, the Royal BC Museum establishes our province’s place in the past, present and future for all British Columbians.
The Royal BC Museum is accountable to the Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport.
Partners, Clients and Stakeholders
To accomplish our mission, the Royal BC Museum provides six key functions:
The combination of all these activities enables the Royal BC Museum to fulfill its leadership role and to deliver programs and services to the people we serve.
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The Royal British Columbia Museum’s collections, exhibition galleries, archives and administration are at 675 Belleville Street, on Victoria’s Inner Harbour.
Online address: royalbcmuseum.bc.ca.