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Backyard Biodiversity, in collaboration with the Greater Victoria Public Library
While looking at our backyards, it might all seem calm and uneventful. But if we look a little closer, we start to see an environment teeming with life. Under the ground and up in the trees (and everywhere in between), animals and plants are crawling, hopping, slithering, flying, hovering, absorbing the suns rays and doing all they can to survive.
For this RBCM @ Home (Summer), we team up with the Greater Victoria Public Library to explore what is exploring in your backyard or backyards within your community. We’ll read a book, and then look at weird and wonderful specimens in the Royal BC Museum's Native Plant Garden with Curator of Entomology, Dr. Joel Gibson.
RBCM @ Home (Summer) is hosted by Chris O’Connor
Click on the link to join:
If you are not able to access through Zoom, we will also be streaming on Facebook Live. Please visit the Royal BC Museum Facebook page.
If you missed past sessions, check out the recordings on our Royal BC Museum YouTube page.