Learn more about government’s intention to modernize the museum to protect our historic holdings and provide better access to our collections.
We All Rock
Rocks and minerals are all around us, but did you know how important they are in our every day lives? Just think, the pencil lead you use, batteries, electronics, appliances, vehicles, electrical wires, the salt on your table and the coins in your pocket and much more, all contain elements from rocks.
May is Mining Month in British Columbia, so for this session of RBCM @ Home(Kids) we are learning about the rock cycle with special guests Shirley Rosichuk at the Stewart Museum in Stewart B.C. and Allegra Whistler at MineralsEd in Vancouver, B.C.
Join us as we learn about rocks and the rock cycle, and uncover why it is all so important through a fun activity.
Materials needed:
RBCM @ Home (Kids) is hosted by Chris O'Connor.
Click on the Zoom link to join:
If you are not able to access through Zoom, we will also be streaming on Facebook Live. Please visit the Royal BC Museum Facebook page.
If you missed past sessions, check out our RBCM @ Home (Kids) YouTube page.
RBCM @ Home (Kids) is like a museum playdate online. Visit with members of the museum staff who are working from home, along with families from across BC, as we make and learn together. Each session will have some kind of making activity, so get your paper and pencil crayons ready. RBCM @ Home(Kids) takes place on Wednesdays at 11 am, visit our calendar for topics, presenters and a list of materials so you can join in with hands-on activities at home.
For adults and youth, check out RBCM @ Home. This program takes place on Tuesdays at 12pm and highlights members of the curatorial and collections staff who are working from home during the pandemic and discover how they do their work, how their work is reflected in their homes and what they're working on now.