RBCM@Outside Fouling Around

Fouling communities are composed of organisms growing on artificial structures such as docks, boat hulls, and aquaculture gear. As these communities are associated with human activities they are good places to look for non-native species coming into the province.  Non-native species can have negative ecological and economic effects for local communities. Join RBCM@ outside host Liz Crocker and invertebrates collections manager and researcher Heidi Gartner for a close-up look at what’s living underwater on artificial surfaces in our harbours.Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

You can also attend through the museum’s Facebook page. The live sessions will be recorded and posted to the RBCM@ Outside playlist on the Royal BC Museum YouTube channel.

Get in Touch

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Liz Crocker
Learning Program Developer