Beneath the Sands of Egypt: Exploration and Discoveries in the Valley of Kings

This lecture is presented by Dr. Donald Ryan, an archaeologist and Egyptologist, who has made multiple excavations in the Valley of the Kings, including one that resulted in the rediscovery of a tomb containing the mummy identified as that of Hatshepsut, an 18th Dynasty female pharaoh.

About the speaker:

Donald P. Ryan, Ph.D. is best known for his research in Egypt including excavations in the Valley of the Kings. He has led many expeditions and is the author of nine books and numerous scientific and popular articles on archaeological subjects. For several years, Ryan worked closely with world-renowned Norwegian explorer, archaeologist and writer, the late Thor Heyerdahl, whose open-minded approach to the topic of early human use of the ocean was a hallmark of his remarkable research. Ryan is also a Research Associate at the Kon-Tiki Museum in Oslo, Norway, and a Fellow of both The Explorers Club and The Royal Geographical Society.

Read more about Dr. Ryan here.