Learn more about government’s intention to modernize the museum to protect our historic holdings and provide better access to our collections.
Provincial Carillonneur Rosemary Laing will play a special recital featuring a newly commissioned work in honour of the carillon being given to the people of British Columbia 50 years ago. Keep an ear out for further special recitals throughout the year.
About Provincial Carillonneur Rosemary Laing
Rosemary Laing was introduced to the carillon by Carillonneur Emeritus Herman Bergink, and later studied with Dr. Andrea McCrady, Dominion Carillonneur at the Peace Tower in Ottawa. Laing was appointed Carillonneur of the Netherlands Centennial Carillon in 1993 after Bergink’s retirement, and subsequently qualified to become a Carillonneur Member of the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America. Laing holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education, a Masters and Doctorate in Metaphysical Science, and is an Associate of the Royal Canadian College of Organists. She currently teaches in the Faculty of Education at the University of Victoria.
When Rosemary isn't playing the bells at the top of the tower, an automated player strikes the hour and plays a short tune.
Check out the scene from the top of the Carillon as Rosemary plays for our annual Carol-Along with the Carillon event in this video.