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From Haida Gwaii to the Salish Sea: Nautical Adventures and Biodiversity Research on the Canada C3 Voyage
The Canada C3 (coast to coast to coast) expedition was a 150-day journey from Toronto to Victoria via the Northwest Passage. Dr. Joel Gibson, curator of entomology, and Dr. Henry Choong, curator of invertebrate zoology, will share their experiences from this exploration of BC's coastal biodiversity.
About the speakers:
Dr. Gibson completed degrees in wildlife biology and insect systematics,and pursued a teaching degree and a brief career as a high school teacher. His return to research (and insects) included a doctorate degree and a stint at the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes in Ottawa. Following positions in scientific project management and DNA-based wetland biodiversity assessment, he took on the curatorship at the Royal BC Museum in 2016. See Dr. Gibson's full profile here.
Dr. Henry Choong joined the Royal BC Museum as curator of Invertebrate Zoology in 2016. His PhD is from the University of Toronto (1999). He has published on hydrozoan taxonomy, biogeography, dispersal mechanisms and invasive species. See Dr. Choong's full profile here.
Learn more about Canada C3 here.