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Friends of the BC Archives Speaker Series
Discover how to uncover and use archival images to illuminate stories from British Columbia’s past, in particular the past that predated the invention of the camera. Drawing on her extensive research and published works, historian and author Nancy Marguerite Anderson shares insights from The York Factory Express (chronicling the annual return trip from Fort Vancouver to Hudson Bay),The HBC Brigades (exploring early trailblazing from the Coquihalla to Fort Langley), and her forthcoming book, tentatively named, Three Journeys North (detailing the historic route to Portage la Loche and beyond to the Arctic Ocean). Anderson will reveal the creative approaches and strategies she uses to find and interpret visual materials, offering inspiration and practical advice for researchers and storytellers alike.
Meet the Speaker: Nancy Marguerite Anderson
Writer and Researcher. Métis [Métis Nation BC]. Accidental Historian, writing the Stories of the West side of the Rocky Mountains before 1858.