Sensory-Sensitive Screening at IMAX® Victoria

Sensory-sensitive screening of Wingsuit Flyers intended for guests who find the immersive IMAX® experience prohibitive. In addition to low lighting and low volume throughout, doors will be left open and movement and discussion during the film will not be restricted. This film is in 2D, no special glasses required. Theatre capacity will be reduced to 80 seats. 

About the film: 

The quest to fly like a bird, unaided by machine has captured the imagination of humankind as long as we have been gazing upon the world's natural flyers. Wingsuit flight provides us with the chance to experience what it would be like to fly like a bird. Along with the world's top wingsuit flyers and with the help of ever evolving wingsuit technology, audiences will be able to take flight from the highest points in Europe, soar over landscapes in Moab that resemble Mars, fly above the Great Barrier Reef and then land on it. The film will feature incredible footage from POV helmet cameras, drones, and specially designed helicopter rigs. 

Get in Touch

Alexandra Weaver
Theatre Manager / Theatre and Box Office