Art Class for Adults - Hand-Coloured Photographs

Hand-colouring is as old as photography itself. In the 19th century, colour tinting was applied to early black and white prints to make them more closely resemble reality. It was the advent of colour films in the 1950s that took photographic hand-colouring techniques into the realm of interpretive artistic expression, which is where it lives today. Discover the history of the medium through the Royal BC Museum's collection and then have the opportunity to create our own unique works of photographic art using black and white images from the museum's WWI and WWII era. 

These classes are designed for students aged 16 years and older.

Meet our Instructor 

Jeri Engen is the studio owner and art teacher for Kudzu Studio. Kudzu Studio is a Victoria-based fine art studio originally founded in North Vancouver in 2012, offering children, teens, and adults alike a variety of opportunities to engage in meaningful and exciting art experiences. 

Get in Touch

Alexandra Weaver
Theatre Manager / Theatre and Box Office