Indigenous women holding protest signs in front of the Canadian Parliament buildings in winter

Treaty Talk: Book Launch and Panel

Treaty Talk: A Conversation on Contemporary Interpretations of Treaty Relations Across Institutions

Join us for the launch of Life Against States of Emergency: Revitalizing treaty relations from Attawapiskat by Dr Sarah Marie Wiebe from the University of Victoria. In response to the call to action proposed in the book, a panel will respond to the pivotal question "What does it mean to be in a treaty relationship today?".

A book signing will be held from 4:00 – 5:00 pm at the Royal Museum Shop.

You can also purchase your book online.

Panel moderated by Dr Leslie Brown.

Panelists include:

Sarah Marie Wiebe, University of Victoria
Rob Lapper, University of Victoria
Janet Hanuse, Royal BC Museum
Yuxwelupton Qwal' qaxala (Bradley Dick), Royal BC Museum