Loan Request Form

Loan requests for Archives, Modern History, and Indigenous collections can be initiated by submitting this form via email to the Senior Registrar at

For exhibition, the Royal BC Museum requires a potental borrower to submit their request in writing a minimum of 18 months proir to the loan shipment date. Once received, your loan reuqest will be assessed by the approriate RBCM staff. Futher infomation may be requested from you, (e.g Facilities Report).

Contact Information

Catalogue/Item Number Description Collection/Discipline

Purpose of Loan

Is the exhibition touring?
Please list all scheduled venues:


Community or Organizational Partners:


Please provide a brief synopsis of the exhibition or a description of the context that the object(s) will be displayed within:

Please attach any additional documentation including facility reports

One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.