Pysanky Workshop

Learn to write a traditional Ukrainian Easter Egg, "pysanka", under the guidance of Dawn and Olga Lang.

Through instruction, demonstration and printed hand outs, you will make and take home two pysanky along with new skills and knowledge.

The Ukrainian word for Easter Egg, “pysanka” (plural: pysanky) derives from the verb pysateh “to write”, and each line, colour and shape in a design has meaning. Making pysanky was traditionally like writing well wishes to loved ones the way you would in a greeting card. The finished eggs are full of messages that the recipient would have understood and that will be shared with you during the workshop.

Making pysanky is more than a craft; it is a meditative activity during which you will be encouraged to remain in a state of grace (as much as possible) and to reflect on the meaning of the designs you create. Given the length of the workshop and the level of focus required, we recommend that any youth attending the workshop be at least 10 years old and be accompanied by an adult.

Get in Touch

Kim Gough
Acting Director of Audience Experience

While Ukraine faces a humanitarian crisis please consider supporting Ukrainian communities and people by reaching out to local and national aid societies.

On Vancouver Island: Help Ukraine Vancouver Island
In Canada: Canadian Red Cross or Canada Ukraine Foundation