Learn more about government’s intention to modernize the museum to protect our historic holdings and provide better access to our collections.
Join a dynamic group of collaborators (including the Royal BC Museum, the Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea, Science Venture, Science World, St. Margaret's School and the NRC Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Centre) for this exciting Design Studio to set the vision and organizational structure of the South Vancouver Island's Symbiosis Hub. This hub will support the development of BC's STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Design, and Math) ecosystem. We need your input to develop a reasoned and strategic approach to this work.
Dinner and Refreshments will be provided. Please bring your own coffee mug.
Goals of this Design Studio:
Using the Think, Pair, Share, Vote method, the Design Studio is a style of workshop that combines divergent and convergent thinking: it allows a large group of people with differing perspectives to explore a wide set of ideas and create a shared vision to move forward within a short amount of time. It incorporates brainstorming, critique and prioritization into one condensed session. In this workshop we will be exploring and identifying South Vancouver Island's STEM strengths and weaknesses, identifying gaps and formulating a plan of action.