Learn more about government’s intention to modernize the museum to protect our historic holdings and provide better access to our collections.
Learn more about government’s intention to modernize the museum to protect our historic holdings and provide better access to our collections.
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This handbook, the first created by and for Indigenous peoples, provides practical information to help communities with the repatriation process
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The Board of Directors of the Royal BC Museum announced today that Prof. Jack Lohman is stepping down as Chief Executive Officer, effective 12 February 2021.
Prof. Lohman and the Board of Directors considered how best to move the organization forward as it addresses current internal issues while carrying on its usual work and the modernization initiatives in progress. It was mutually agreed that his departure would be in the best interests of the organization.
The Board has asked Dr. Daniel Muzyka, Chair of the Board of Directors, to serve as the Acting Chief Executive Officer during the process of recruiting a new CEO.
Professor Jack Lohman C.B.E., an internationally recognized expert in museums, joined the RBCM in 2012, and the Board of Directors acknowledges, with appreciation, his nine years of vision and service.