Learn more about government’s intention to modernize the museum to protect our historic holdings and provide better access to our collections.
The Museum Act (2003) sets out the purposes, powers, and governance of the Royal BC Museum. The Act explicitly states that the Royal BC Museum will be responsible "to secure, receive and preserve specimens, artifacts and archival and other materials that illustrate the natural or human history of British Columbia ... to manage, conserve and provide access to the collection". The Museum's Mission states clearly that the Royal BC Museum brings British Columbia's stories together. Our collections, research and presentations enable us to tell the stories of BC in ways that enlighten. stimulate and inspire. By exploring our human history and natural history, the Royal BC Museum advances new knowledge and understanding of BC and provides a dynamic forum for discussion and a place for reflection. Aligned with the strategic objectives of the Royal BC Museum. the goals of Conservation will be to support the creation of a unique experience, to strengthen our digital infrastructure and reputation, to enable greater access to collections while improving long-term care. and to develop as a progressive organization.