Aidan Moher

Web Specialist & Content Developer
Phone Number

The Web Specialist and Content Developer is responsible for the content creation, technical architecture and visual design of the Royal BC Museum website and other digital properties and content creation and audience engagement for social media. Responsibilities include: security administration, web design, structure, development, testing, implementation, on-going maintenance, technical support and continual up-grading of the websites to enhance the usability of the sites for both staff and volunteers, and for online visitors from around the world.  This position also manages access and security issues pertaining to the website and provides online content including text, graphics and video.  Under the general direction of the Digital Manager, the position works with a high degree of independence to coordinate and analyze the delivery, implementation and maintenance of the Royal BC Museum's web-based access and communication services.  The Web Specialist and Content Developer is part of New Archives and Digital Preservation, a department responsible for access, digitization and preservation of collections.