Books: Adams, John (2001). Old Square-Toes and his lady: The life of James and Amelia Douglas. Surrey: Horsdal & Schubart. Bancroft-Hunt, N., & Forman, W. (1979). People of the Totem. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. Barbeau, Marius (1929). Totem Poles of the Gitksan, Upper Skeena River, British Columbia. National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 61, Anthropological Series No. 12. Ottawa: Canada Department of Mines. Facsimile edition 1973. Barbeau, Marius (1950). Totem Poles. National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 119, Anthropological Series No. 30. 2 Vols. Ottawa: Department of Resources and Development, National Parks Branch. Reprint 1964. Barbeau, M. (1990). Totem Poles According to Location (Vol. 2). Hull, Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization. Black, Martha (1999). HuupuKwanum.Tupaat: Out of the Mist, Treasures of the Nuu-chah-nulth Chiefs. Victoria: Royal BC Museum. Exhibit catalogue. Blakey Smith, Dorothy, editor (1975). The Reminiscences of Doctor John Sebastian Helmcken. Vancouver: The University of British Columbia Press in co-operation with the Provincial Archives of British Columbia. Boston, T., Morven, S., & Grandison, M. (Eds.). (1996). From Time Before Memory. New Aiyansh: School District No. 92 (Nisga'a). British Columbia Arts Society (1982). Mungo Martin, Man of Two Cultures. Sidney: Gray's Publishing. British Columbia Government (1941ñ1969). Thunderbird Park, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Victoria: Travel Bureau, Department of Trade and Industry (1941, 1945, 1952); Department of Recreation and Conservation (1955, 1963); Department of Travel Industry (1967, 1969). Guide book. Cantwell, Sister Margaret, S.S.A. (1992). North To Share: The Sister of Saint Ann in Alaska and the Yukon Territory. Victoria: The Sisters of Saint Ann. Duff, Wilson, ed. (1959). Histories, Territories, and Laws of the Kitwancool. Anthropology in British Columbia Memoir No. 4. Victoria: British Columbia Provincial Museum. Down, Sister Mary Margaret, S.S.A. (1966). A Century of Service, 1858-1958: A History of the Sisters of Saint Ann and their contribution to education in British Columbia, The Yukon and Alaska. Victoria: The Sisters of Saint Ann Enrico, John, trans. and ed. (1995). Skidegate Haida Myths and Histories, Collected by John R. Swanton. Skidegate: Queen Charlotte Islands Museum Press. Greene, John, Marc Lapprand, Gerald Moreau, Gerald Ricard (1991). French Presence in Victoria B.C., 1846-1991. Victoria: LíAssciation Historique Francophone De Victoria, C.B. Halpin, Marjorie (1981). Totem Poles: An Illustrated Guide. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. Huu-ay-aht First Nations (2000). Kiix?in Agenda Paper. In Alan L. Hoover, ed., Nuu-chah-nulth Voices, Histories, Objects & Journeys, pp. 33-65. Victoria: Royal BC Museum. Jacknis, Ira (1990). Authenticity and the Mungo Martin House, Victoria, B.C.: Visual and Verbal Sources. Arctic Anthropology, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 1-12. Jamieson, Patrick (1997). Victoria: Demers to De Roo, 150 years of Catholic History on Vancouver Island. Victoria: ICN Publishing, 1997. Jean-de-Pathmos, Sister Marie (Translated by Sister Marie Anne Eva, S.S.A.) (1962). A History of the Sisters of Saint Anne. New York: Vantage Press. Johnson, F. Henry (1964). A History of Public Education in British Columbia. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1964. Jonaitis, Aldona, ed. (1991).†Chiefly Feasts: The Enduring Kwakiutl Potlatch. Toronto and Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre; New York: American Museum of Natural History. Keddie, Grant (2003). Songhees Pictorial: A History of the Songhees People as seen by Outsiders, 1790-1912. Victoria: Royal BC Museum. MacDonald, George F. (1983). Haida Monumental Art: Villages of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press Mackie, Richard Somerset (1997). Trading Beyond the Mountains: The British Fur Trade on the Pacific, 1793-1843. Vancouver: UBC Press. Nabakov, Peter, and Robert Easton (1989). Plank House, Northwest Coast. In Native American Architecture, pp. 226-85. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. Laforet, Andrea (1988).†The Book of the Grand Hall. Hull: Canadian Museum of Civilization. Macnair, Peter L., Alan L. Hoover, and Kevin Neary (1984). The Legacy: Continuing Traditions of Northwest Coast Indian Art. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre. First published British Columbia Provincial Museum, 1980. Exhibit catalogue. Nuytten, Phil (1982).†Mungo Martin. In The Totem Pole Carvers: Charlie James, Ellen Neel, Mungo Martin, pp. 75-126. Vancouver: Panorama Publications. Pethick, Derek (1968). Victoria: The Fort. Vancouver: Mitchell Press, 1968. Provincial Museum of Natural History and Anthropology / British Columbia Provincial Museum. Annual Report. Victoria: Province of British Columbia, Department of Education. Various dates. Savard, Dan (2005).†Changing Images: Photographic Collections of First Peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast Held in the Royal British Columbia Museum. BC Studies, No. 145, Spring, pp. 55-96. Stewart, Hilary (1977). Indian Fishing. Seattle: University of Washington Press. Stewart, Hilary (1993). Looking At Totem Poles. Vancouver/Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre; Seattle: University of Washington Press.† Foreword by Norman Tait. Theordore, Sister Mary, S.S.A. (1939). Heralds of Christ the King: Missionary Record of the North Pacific, 1837-1878. New York: P.J. Kennedy & Sons. Tolmie, William Fraser (1963). The Journals of William Fraser Tolmie: Physician and Fur Trader. Vancouver: Mitchell Press, 1963. Yaworsky, Arlene (2000). Adding to the Legacy. Discovery: Royal British Columbia Museum News and Events, Vol. 27. No. 6, March, pp. 1-2.
CD Rom: Canadian Museum of Civilization. (1997). Totem Poles: Myths, Magic and Monumental Art on the Pacific Northwest Coast. Burnaby: VR Didatech.
Curriculum and Resource Guides: First Nations Journeys of Justice . (1994). K-7 Curriculum. Penticton: Theytus Books Ltd. First Nations The Circle Unbroken. (1993). Canada: Face to Face Media and The National Film Board of Canada. Series of 4 videos (13 video programs) and teacher's guide that introduces a variety of contemporary First Nations perspectives on history, culture, spirituality, education, justice, the environment, racism, colonialism, and Aboriginal title to the land. Websites Accessing Media Messages. Messages and Meanings: A guide to understanding Cathedral Grove website is a visual essay on the endangered big trees and ancient temperate rainforests of British Columbia (BC), Canada. http://www.cathedralgrove.se/text/06-Totem-Poles-1.htm Canadian Museum of Civilization website. Knowledge through research in four main fields of archaeology, history, folk culture and ethnology. http://www.civilization.ca/societe/annrpt95/rp2ree.html Gander Academy's Totem Poles Theme Page ñ- lists several links to a number of sites about totem poles. History of Communication. History of Communication. Communications through the ages and into the next century. History of Inventions database http://www.ideafinder.com/history/of_inventions.htm How communication shapes the world.Connected earth. Invention of the printing press http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/story039.htm Messages and Meanings: A Guide to Understanding Media. Native plants of British Columbia. Royal British Columbia Museum website. http://www.royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/nh_papers/nativeplants/index.html Notes on James Squameyugs--Songhees Chief 1864-1892. Royal British Columbia Museum website. http://www.royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/notes/scomiak.html Pts'aanhl Nisga'a - Totem Poles of the Nisga'a - this bilingual (Nisga'a/ English) site developed by the Gingolx Media Centre documents contemporary and historic totem poles and contains video clips of carvers and Elders. Includes activities that highlight stories, pole preparation, and the carving process as well as an interactive timeline. Sayt Adoks Gingolx - this bilingual (Nisga'a/ English) site developed by students and youth of Gingolx documents the pole carved, raised, and celebrated by them in 2001 http://www.gingolx.ca/nisgaaculture/saytadoks/index.html Tilikum dugout canoe from Victoria area. Maritime Museum of British Columbia website. http://www.mmbc.bc.ca/exhibits/1-tilikum.htm Tilikum history, originally a dugout canoe from the Victoria area, modified and rigged out to travel the world in the early 1900's. http://www.telusplanet.net/public/albear1/thetilikum.html Totem pole exhibits. Royal British Columbia Museums website. http://www.royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/Online_Ex/default.aspx TOP of page