Header - Thunder Bird Park

Title - Late Park

Haida Carving, 1952
Carvers: Mungo Martin, David Martin and Mildred Hunt
Based on: Haida Horizontal Memorial

This is a version of a horizontal memorial in the form of a Killer Whale with an Eagle sitting on its back that commemorated the life of a resident of t’anuu ‘llnagaay (eelgrass town). Killer Whale and Eagle were crests relating to this person’s family history.


Thunderbird Park, 1967. BC Government photograph. BC Archives I-21012.


In 1911, Charles F. Newcombe photographed the figure at t’anuu ‘llnagaay (then no longer inhabited), and purchased it from a man at lragilda ‘llnagaay (Skidegate). Only the Killer Whale was installed in Thunderbird Park in 1941. This version replaced it in 1952. The new carving was based on the original Killer Whale as well as Newcombe’s photographs showing the Eagle, but the style of the replica carving is more Kwakwaka’wakw than Haida. Subsequently, the bird deteriorated and a 1977 photograph shows the Killer Whale topped by a different Eagle that appears more Haida in style. Currently, only the Killer Whale figure remains in museum storage.
RBCM 20130.

Killer Whale figure in Thunderbird ParkThunderbird Park, 1967. BC Government photograph.
BC Archives I-21012.

Mungo and David Martin in Thunderbird ParkMungo Martin and David Martin in Thunderbird Park, 1952.
BC Archives I-26784.

Mungo Martin carving the Haida style memorial figureMungo Martin carving the Haida style memorial figure for Thunderbird Park, 1952, using a D-adze. BC Archives I-26791.
David Martin carving the Haida style memorial figureDavid Martin carving the Haida style memorial figure for Thunderbird Park, 1952, using a D-adze. BC Archives I-26795.
Eagle and Killer Whale Head in situt’anuu ‘llnagaay, 1902. Charles F. Newcombe photograph. RBCM PN 299.
Close up of Eaglet’anuu ‘llnagaay, 1902. Charles F. Newcombe photograph. RBCM PN 299.

Close up of Killer Whale Headt’anuu ‘llnagaay, 1902. Charles F. Newcombe photograph. RBCM PN 299.
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