Thunderbird Park, ca 1949. RBCM PN 13259.
Charles F. Newcombe purchased four
house posts from the Ucluelet community of Ihatso that were owned
by a man called Atsek. They had supported the massive roof beams
of a house built around 1880 but the house was no longer standing
when Newcombe purchased the poles in 1911. In Thunderbird Park, three
of the posts were in the open-sided building at the south end of
the complex (the other post stood on its own beside the building).
Despite this positioning, the posts were not integral parts of the
building’s structure, as they
were in the Ucluelet house. (The actual roof supports of the Thunderbird
Park building are visible behind the posts.)
Each post portrays
a single human-like being. These entities are ancestors of the house’s
owner, a man called Atsek. RBCM: 2106 (left); 2108 (centre); 2107
(right). |