Stonehenge: Recent Discoveries

Thanks to ground-breaking advances in science and archaeology, we now know a lot about Stonehenge and the ancient people who built it. Archaeologist Mike Parker Pearson will share how we can now see Stonehenge as part of a wider prehistoric landscape and what we know about the remarkable Neolithic builders.

About the speaker: Mike Parker Pearson is Professor of British Later Prehistory at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London. He is also a Fellow of the British Academy and has published 21 books and over 200 academic articles. Since the 1970s he has worked on archaeological sites around the world in Britain, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Syria, the United States, Madagascar and Easter Island. He has been directing research on Stonehenge since 2003 and was voted the UK’s Archaeologist of the Year in 2010.

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Kim Gough
Acting Director of Audience Experience